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Quality Ingredients First: What Goes into Zealandia’s Canned Foods?

Quality Ingredients First: What Goes into Zealandia’s Canned Foods?

14 days ago
At Zealandia, we are committed to providing pets with a diet rooted in quality, transparency, and...
Understanding Sulphide Staining in High-Meat Content Pet Foods: What Pet Owners Should Know

Understanding Sulphide Staining in High-Meat Content Pet Foods: What Pet Owners Should Know

15 days ago
High-meat content pet foods, such as those offered by brands like Zealandia, are growing in popul...
Heart disease in dogs and cats, and how can I prevent it

Heart disease in dogs and cats, and how can I prevent it

Heart disease is common in dogs, with around 10% of dogs who attend a vet practice suffering from some form of heart disease. Sadly, heart disease is also one of the top ten causes of death in cats. As with humans, there are risk factors for heart disease in pets. While many of these are unavoidable, there are some measures you can take to support their health. This article explores heart disease in dogs and cats, and the important role nutrition can play in supporting heart health.
The New Zealand Brushtail Possum: Benefits for Pets

The New Zealand Brushtail Possum: Benefits for Pets

The brushtail possum is a fascinating and adaptable marsupial native to Australia. It was introduced to New Zealand in 1837 initially intended to establish a fur trade, as brushtail possum fur was highly valued. However, the species quickly became invasive, with significant ecological impacts on the native flora and fauna of New Zealand.
Understanding the Vitamins and Minerals in Zealandia Pet Food

Understanding the Vitamins and Minerals in Zealandia Pet Food

For Zealandia canned food to be ‘Complete and Balanced’, its products are enriched with essential vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of pets, playing vital roles in various physiological processes. This article provides an in-depth look at the vitamins and minerals incorporated into Zealandia's pet food, exploring their functions and benefits.
The Benefits of Feeding Lamb Organs to Cats and Dogs

The Benefits of Feeding Lamb Organs to Cats and Dogs

Feeding your pets a diet rich in nutrients is vital for their overall health, longevity, and well-being. While most commercial pet foods often only provide basic nutrition, incorporating natural, nutrient-dense food sources like lamb organs can significantly enhance your pet's diet. Lamb organs, including liver, heart, kidneys, lung, green tripe, and plasma, offer a plethora of benefits that contribute to optimal health for both cats and dogs. This article explores the advantages of feeding lamb organs to pets and provides insights into how to safely and effectively incorporate them into their diet.
How Can I Fatten Up My Cat or Dog

How Can I Fatten Up My Cat or Dog

Making sure that your pet is at the correct weight is vital for their health and well-being. Nowadays, the most common issue with weight that vets see in clinics is overweight dogs and cats. However, pets can also be underweight and lack body condition. There are many reasons for this and in these situations, owners may want to fatten up their pet. In this article, we’ll discuss the common reasons why pets may be underweight and give you some tips on how to get your pet back to their optimal body condition.
My cat or dog is itchy, what can I do about it?

My cat or dog is itchy, what can I do about it?

Everyone hates the thought of their companion suffering. There’s nothing worse than being kept awake at night by your pet scratching and not being able to help them. Itching is one of the most common reasons for dogs and cats to visit the vet. So, if your dog is constantly scratching and biting themself, or your cat is itching and licking, you are probably wondering how you can help. Let’s take a look at the most common causes of itching in dogs and cats, and what you can do about them.
Do I Need to Put My Cat or Dog on a Diet?

Do I Need to Put My Cat or Dog on a Diet?

Everything you need to know about how to assess your pet’s weight, if they need to be on a diet and if so, how to start the process.

As pet owners, it can be hard to know if our pets are the correct weight. Are they underweight or overweight, do they need to be put on a diet? With so much information out there nowadays, it can be confusing. But don’t worry, in this article, we’ll discuss everything that you need to know including how to assess your dog/cat’s body condition, the calories they should be consuming, and how to put them on a diet if they need it.

New Zealand Wallabies: An Unexpected Inhabitant of Aotearoa

New Zealand Wallabies: An Unexpected Inhabitant of Aotearoa

New Zealand, renowned for its unique biodiversity and rich native wildlife, is also home to an unexpected mammal: the wallaby. Originally native to Australia, these marsupials have established populations in various parts of New Zealand, raising ecological, agricultural, and conservation concerns. This article delves into the history, impact, and management of wallabies in New Zealand.
What is BPA, and why does it matter?

What is BPA, and why does it matter?

Historically, many canned food manufacturers, including those in the pet industry (not Zealandia), used to make their internal can linings with epoxy resin based on bisphenol A, or BPA in the production of their canned food. Every can needs a thin liner inside so that the food doesn’t corrode the metal from the inside out. The BPA was added to strengthen the plastic.
What food is best for dogs and cats with diabetes?

What food is best for dogs and cats with diabetes?

Diabetes is a relatively common condition in dogs and cats. If your dog or cat has recently been diagnosed with diabetes, you may (understandably) be feeling overwhelmed. You will have a lot of information to digest, at the same time as learning how to administer injections to your pet. Luckily, diabetes can usually be well controlled with a combination of medication, diet and weight control. So, let’s explore the important role diet plays in managing this complex condition. 
What food is best for a cat with a history of urinary tract infections?

What food is best for a cat with a history of urinary tract infections?

Urinary issues are very common in cats. They are so common that there is a blanket term used to describe any condition affecting the lower urinary tract - Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (or FLUTD). Diet plays an important part in the management and prevention of urinary issues in cats. So, let’s take a look at which food is best for a cat with a history of FLUTD.
What are the advantages of feeding hypoallergenic meats?

What are the advantages of feeding hypoallergenic meats?

Dietary allergies or intolerances can cause a wide range of symptoms, and untreated allergies can cause our pets very real suffering. Feeding a special diet can be used to diagnose an underlying allergy, as well as treating it. Feeding the right diet can not only improve their quality of life, but often reduce (or even eliminate) the need for lifelong medication. So, let’s take a look at hypoallergenic meats for dogs and cats with food allergies.
What wet food is best for cats & dogs with Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

What wet food is best for cats & dogs with Inflammatory Bowel Disease?

Do you find that your dog or cat commonly has an upset tummy? Does he suffer frequently from diarrhoea and vomiting? Perhaps he has a variable appetite and maybe has lost some weight. Although there are many possible causes of these symptoms, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a common condition in dogs and cats responsible for causing ongoing gastrointestinal signs. In this article, we will take a look at what IBD is, how it is diagnosed and how we can manage it. Diet plays a very important role in the management of IBD, so we will be taking a look at what food is best for dogs and cats with this condition.

What are the differences between Puppy/Kitten Food and Adult Pet Food?

What are the differences between Puppy/Kitten Food and Adult Pet Food?

Whether you’re thinking about adding a kitten or puppy to your family, or if your kitten or puppy is getting older, you may be thinking about what is the best food to feed them. If your pet is approaching one year old, it is probably time to think about switching from kitten or puppy food to adult food. But is making this change essential? What are the differences between these diets? And how can you best make the change? Let’s take a look. Do we need to feed kittens and puppies a different food to adult cats and dogs? The short answer is, yes - puppies and kittens need to be fed a different diet than adults.

What other animals can also eat canned cat & dog food?

What other animals can also eat canned cat & dog food?

  • You may be keen to support your local wildlife and are wondering what food you can leave out. Or perhaps you are considering feeding some tinned cat or dog food to a different pet. Either way, let’s explore what other animals can also eat canned cat or dog food. It’s important to note that each species of animal has slightly different natural diets and nutritional requirements. So before you consider feeding any animals, it’s important that you do your research first. Let’s look at some animals which can also eat canned cat and/or dog food. Hedgehogs are insectivores. In the wild, they snuffle through the undergrowth looking for bugs such as earthworms, ground beetles, caterpillars, earwigs and millipedes.
What food is best for dogs and cats with pancreatitis?

What food is best for dogs and cats with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a potentially life-threatening condition which can affect both dogs and cats. But what is pancreatitis? How is it treated? And what should you feed a dog or cat with pancreatitis? Let’s take a look. Pancreatitis means inflammation of the pancreas. The pancreas is a small fleshy organ which sits near the stomach and intestines inside the abdomen. The pancreas has many functions, but is important for digestion and regulating blood sugar levels. When the pancreas becomes inflamed, the digestive enzymes which are normally only active in the gut become activated in the pancreas itself, and the surrounding areas. 

Green Tripe for cats & dogs: Benefits, Super Food, Quite Stinky

Green Tripe for cats & dogs: Benefits, Super Food, Quite Stinky

Increasingly, pet owners and vets are looking for more natural ways to support the health of their pet. ‘Preventative healthcare’ promotes a healthy diet and lifestyle as key components of good health.

However, with the wealth of (sometimes misguided) information available at our fingertips via the internet, and the plethora of diets to choose from, it can be hard to know what’s best for our feline and canine friends.

This article discusses the potential pros and cons of an increasingly popular ingredient for pets, green tripe.

Can chewing natural dog treats regularly help prevent Periodontal Disease?

Can chewing natural dog treats regularly help prevent Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease is one of the most common health conditions affecting adult dogs. It affects more than 80% of dogs over the young age of only 3 years. It’s a painful condition that can progress if left untreated, causing problems around the rest of the body, such as kidney and heart disease. The good news is that periodontal disease is preventable! So, here’s all you need to know about keeping your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.

What is Periodontal disease?

What wet food is best for cats and dogs with hyperthyroidism conditions?

What wet food is best for cats and dogs with hyperthyroidism conditions?

Hyperthyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder seen in elderly cats. It is estimated to affect around 10% of cats over the age of 10 years, with some surveys even reporting a prevalence of around 20%. Luckily, hyperthyroidism is rare in dogs. Diet can play an important role in the management of, and recovery from, hyperthyroidism, either as a sole treatment or alongside other therapies. So, let’s explore what food is best for cats and dogs with hyperthyroidism, with a focus on cats.
What wet food is best for cats with kidney disease?

What wet food is best for cats with kidney disease?

Sadly, kidney disease is very common in senior cats, in particular chronic kidney disease (or CKD). Unfortunately, there is no cure for chronic kidney disease, so treatment is aimed at both improving quality of life and slowing the progression of the disease. Diet is a very important, and clinically proven, part of the management of kidney disease. So, let’s explore what food is best for cats with kidney disease.

The effects of the killer poison 1080 on domestic animals

The effects of the killer poison 1080 on domestic animals

1080 poison has been used for pest control in New Zealand since the mid-1950s. Unfortunately, the poison is not selective in its killing. This means that other animals, including dogs and cats, can also be poisoned by 1080, usually resulting in death. Dogs are particularly susceptible to the poison and hundreds of dog deaths have been reported since 1960, with many more likely to have been unreported. So, let’s look at the effects of 1080 poison on dogs and cats.
Green-Lipped Mussels for Dogs: Benefits, side effects, and dosage

Green-Lipped Mussels for Dogs: Benefits, side effects, and dosage

Many pet owners and vets are now looking for more natural ways to support their pet’s health. Green-Lipped Mussel is one of these natural products with potential health benefits, it is a form of nutraceutical. Nutraceuticals are products manufactured from food, which have health or medical benefits. If you are considering using Green-Lipped Mussel, this article discusses everything you need to know about Green-Lipped Mussel for dogs.

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